Hyperion Composites Now Manufactured using 100% Renewable Wind Energy
As part of our ongoing Life Cycle Assessment, EnviroBuild are delighted to announce our Hyperion composite ranges have switched to wind powered manufacturing . Meaning that all Hyperion composite products are now manufactured using 100% renewable energy.

It’s EnviroBuild’s mission to source products with the highest possible quality and with the greatest possible eco-credentials, so that the choice between quality and sustainability can be one and the same. This move is one further step toward our mission and one we’re very excited about.

What impact will Hyperion using Renewable Energy have?
The findings from our product LCA's (Life cycle assessments) showed that manufacturing with grid electricity was easily the largest contributor to the Global Warming Potential for our Hyperion Composite products. Making it clear that the most effective way to reduce the environmental impact of our composite products would be to move manufacturing to renewable energy.
Moving our Hyperion composite to 100% renewable wind energy manufacturing has allowed us to reduce the Co2e emissions (carbon dioxide equivalent) by 32%. Carbon dioxide equivalent is a term which measures a carbon footprint by describing the equivalent global warming impact for all greenhouse gases involved. In addition to that Hyperion Composite Decking boards produce significantly less Co2e than traditional timber boards. Helping make them the superior product in terms of sustainability.

Why the comparison with softwood timber?
As this is part of our Life Cycle Assessment, we’re weighing up every section of our supply chain as well as the lifetime environmental impact of our product. A timber deck produces greater emissions overall across their lifetime because of the need for treatment and maintenance. Treatments such as deck sealant have very large carbon dioxide equivalent emissions due to the chemicals they contain. Composite decking on the other hand doesn’t require any treatments. Hyperion Explorer Composite decking global warming potential is 64% lower than timber.

Why does this not completely eradicate the problem?
This factory is only one part of the overall supply chain. We'll now be offsetting this factory, which is the biggest use of energy, but that doesn't necessarily represent all the energy used in every stage of production. Some of the supply chain is still on a normal power mix as of now, it’s the composite materials which are now produced using 100% renewable energy. This isn’t to downplay or disparage our efforts, but an honest look into the future and the work that can still be made.

What other efforts are being made?
This is the first change to come of our Life Cycle Assessment and there will be more to come. We’re very much looking forward to the future and more exciting updates. In the meantime, we’re still putting a heavy focus on our 10% Pledge as we always have done, where 10% of all profits are donated to sustainable causes. This money contributes toward various Rainforest Trust projects, in which the worlds most threatened tropical rainforests are purchased and protected, saving endangered species and their habitats.

Read more about EnviroBuild's Impact and work with Rainforest Trust UK here

See our full Composite range: