Protecting 2,655 acres of forest & savannah in Central Africa
Through our partnership with Rainforest Trust UK we have helped protect 2,655 acres of forest and savannah habitat in the Central Africa Republic. Protecting a rare and extraordinary meeting of forest and savanna.

Chinko landscape Project
Our 2021 donation to Rainforest Trust UK helped us protect 2,655 acres of forest and savannah in the Central African Republic. Helping Rainforest Trust and local partner, African Parks, safeguard 5.7 million acres of Chinko landscape in the heart of Africa. This project will provide long-term protection for a substantial population of Lions, African Forest Elephants and Chimpanzees. This project will also store over 500 million metric tonnes of CO2e, helping to protect the planet against climate change.

The Chinko Landscape
The Chinko landscape in the heart of Africa is one of the largest intact and remote wilderness areas left on the planet home to; African Forest Elephants (CR), African Wild Dogs (EN), Eastern Chimpanzees (EN), and a substantial population of Lions (VU) all of which thrive in the richly biodiverse ecosystems of Chinko. But decades of political and civil unrest have left these important landscapes and species vulnerable to deforestation and poaching.

Deforestation and Poaching
The main threats currently to the Chinko landscape is deforestation and poaching. Chinko is located in eastern Central African Republic (CAR), one of the world’s least developed countries with nearly two-thirds of the population living in poverty. Despite the rich biodiversity and ecological significance of Chinko, the country's instability makes conservation efforts difficult. Formal protection is required to prevent poaching and the whole area being converted to cattle pastures.

The Project
This project will provide long-term protection through sustainable management and rehabilitate damaged land. Rainforest Trust's local partner African Parks will deploy park guards to intercept pastoralist herders before they reach the park and guide them along specialized corridors to ensure they have access to outside lands for their livestock to feed. The protected area will also significantly expand protection to a massive wilderness that stretches across CAR and South Sudan. Helping to conserve this unique and biodiverse area whilst providing necessary protecting for species at risk.

Ways you can help
A few simple ways you can help support Rainforest Trusts Conservation projects:
- Try to only purchase products made form recycled and FSC certified wood, To reduce the need of logging.
- Support Companies who partner with Rainforest Trust
- Donate to Rainforest Trust UK

Learn more about the projects we have supported here. To learn more about our commitment to sustainability please click here.